Production Size 3kg - 5kg - 10kg Pail Mixer
The Large DAC Hauschild SpeedMixer®
50 Years of Hauschild SpeedMixer® - 1974-2024
A large production scale Hauschild SpeedMixer® designed for bulk mixing of 3kg-10kg pails of material product back-to-back.
In any large DAC SpeedMixer instrument, mix a single container or multiple cavity holders to batch process items such as 310ml, 6, 12, 20 + 32oz cartridges or Hauschild PP Mix Cups.
These are large floor mounted systems designed for production and manufacture of bulk formulation quantities.
Remote control is available for standard builds and we produce custom made solutions specific to energetic applications.
ROI - Expect 100% trouble free operation for 10+ years, when serviced by a Hauschild Engineer using OEM component parts.
These all require a three phase electricity feed and a solid sturdy base as they weigh >1200kg.